Water Department

Water Superintendent

Bob Dabbs
 Phone - (269) 469-1270 

Flushing Your House Plumbing System When Water Services Are Restored

The State of Michigan Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) wants to make sure the public is educated on the best ways to properly flush their homes after their water service is restored. Please refer to the guidance material on how to flush your plumbing system when having your water services restored after service was turned off for the winter or for any period of time.  

Our New Online Water Monitoring Service

Once your new meter is installed, set up your new online account to view your water usage. This is completely separate from online billing, this is just usage.
www.eyeonwater.com/signup to create your monitoring account.

Annual Water Quality Report

The Water Quality Report is updated annually and available by July 1 of each year.  A hard copy of the 2023 Water Quality Report is available at Village Hall for pick up during office hours, or you can contact the Clerk's office at (269) 469-3141 and a copy will be mailed or emailed to you.

View the 2023 Village of Grand Beach Annual Water Quality report here.

***To Pay Utility Bills online click here***

Auto Pay Water Bills with Checking or Savings Account

Homeowners are able to auto pay their Village water bills through their checking or savings account.  To sign up for auto pay: print, fill-out, and return this Authorization for Withdrawal form along with a voided check if withdrawal will come from a checking account.  Mail form and voided check to Village of Grand Beach at 48200 Perkins Boulevard, Grand Beach, MI  49117.   You can also sign up to receive your water bill via email on the same form.

We will set up the automatic payment withdrawal as soon as possible after we receive the signed document and a copy of a voided check (if you are using a checking account).  We must receive the document well in advance of a water billing to initiate the auto payment for that billing period.  Contact the Village office at (269) 469-3141 with any questions.