
The beaches are one of the greatest assets of the Village of Grand Beach. Unfortunately we have lost a tremendous amount of beach area due to storms and erosion over the last few years. Grand Beach is not the only area affected as this is happening in many areas along the entire shoreline of Lake Michigan. There is no beach in many locations in Grand Beach, and beach easements in those locations are closed for that reason.

Swim at Your Own Risk

Please remember to watch your children closely as the Village has joined many other communities that no longer have lifeguards due to budget restraints and the difficulty in finding lake certified lifeguards.

Beach Fires

Beach Fires require a permit issued by the Police Department or Village Clerk-Treasurer's office. The applicant is required to clean up the area after the beach fire.

Dogs on Beach

Dogs are allowed on the beach from May 1 through October 1 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. EST and 11:00 a.m. EST.  Dogs are allowed on the beach at all times between October 2 and April 30 unless the beach is closed.  Dogs must be on a leash at all times at the beach.

Submerged Water Hazards - No Jumping or Diving off the Pier or Diving or Jumping off Jetties

The pier and surrounding area is very dangerous. Extreme accidents can and have resulted from diving off of or swimming near the pier. For safety reasons, swimmers should avoid this area.  To prevent injury, swimmers should not dive or jump off of the pier, rocks, jetties or other structures.  Keep an eye on your children to ensure that they are not on or near the pier or other structures. 

Caution - Lake & Beach Changes

Due to the very serious erosion of the beaches, residents should be aware that the lake bottom drops off quickly and the water is deeper than might be expected. Parents of small children should take note of the deeper water near the shore, and anticipated strong rip currents all along the beach.

Metal and concrete obstructions are now exposed on the beach, and under the water. Diving into the lake is hazardous and not advised.

Beach Hazards

Click here to find out about beach forecasts and hazards on the great lakes.

Click here to find out about dangerous rip currents that occur in the lake