Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is made up of four members of the community and a Village Council member who serves as an ex officio member.  Members are appointed by the Village Council for 3-year terms, with the exception of the ex officio member who is appointed to a 1-year term.

The Planning Commission is responsible for upholding the Village’s zoning ordinance and helping to prepare any zoning ordinance amendments. In addition, they are responsible for holding the Village Council accountable for the Master Plan.

Click to view the Planning Commission by-laws.

Presentation about Short Term Rental Concerns here

Planning Commission update September 2024 here

Planning Commission Members

Ross Kerr (Chairperson)
Diane Cody
Jim Krillenberger (Secretary)
Paul Leonard Jr.
Harry Walder (Ex Officio Village Council President)

Master Plan

A Master Plan for communities is required by law through the Michigan Planning Enabling Act. But more importantly, it requires the community to come together to determine what is of most importance to them, create a plan to implement what is important, and determine how they will be held accountable for making it happen.

The Grand Beach community spent over a year gathering data, reporting to the community on numerous occasions, and creating an action plan to make the community a wonderful place to live. The 2024 Master Plan that was produced from this effort is meant to be a guide for the Village and the Village Council on how to move the community forward and align with our collective vision.  Annually at a public Planning Commission meeting, leaders in the community will report the status of the implementation of the Master Plan and any additional work related to the guidance of the plan.

View the Grand Beach 2024 Master Plan.